Krav Maga in Sandton

Elite Defence Academy Sandton teaches Krav Maga tomen and women from the ages of 16 and up. Our Krav Maga training is safe, professional, and our classes are beginner friendly and supportive.
Elite Defence Academy Krav Maga instructor Mike Fat began his training in the martial arts at the age of 15, when he commenced training in Shaolin Kung Fu under the tutelage of a former bodyguard of Chiang Kai-Shek.
Over the course of several years, he expanded his knowledge by training in a variety of other martial arts, including Aikido, Taekwondo, Kyusho, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Muay Thai and MMA.
Mike also trained in the MDW knife fighting and combatives system, and it was during this time that he met an Elite Defence Academy Krav Maga instructor who invited him to a Krav Maga class.

“It literally changed my life,” says Mike. “I couldn’t believe that something so apparently simple could be so powerful. I was struck by how effective it was against everything you could throw at it – hand to hand combat, knives, guns, multiple attackers, everything. But most of all, I was impressed at the way in which it adapts so easily to all body types, all levels of strength and fitness. It worked!”
As with many of EDA’s Krav Maga instructors, Mike is highly experienced in many fields, which enables him to speak with authority when comparing the effectiveness of different combative styles – vitally useful knowledge that he imparts to his students with great enthusiasm.
Contact Mike to book a free Krav Maga class today! You'll find that we are a down to earth group of men and women and we welcome everybody.
Beginners are welcome - you don't need to have any prior martial arts experience and you don't need to be fit or in-shape.
We'll share some great techniques which are easy to learn, yet extremely effective in their application, You'll have fun, and increase in ability as you continue to train with us.
The type of Krav Maga we teach, allows a smaller person to defend themselves against a larger, stronger assailant. A lot of the self-defence techniques we teach, is based on leverage and how to offset a larger stronger opponent.
Our emphasis is defence against violent weapons-based situations i.e. Knife stabs and hold up defences. Defences against baton attacks and knife attacks. As well as how to deal with hijacking situations and gun holdups.
Krav Maga is an extremely simple, yet highly effective combat system based on your body's natural reflexes – one that enables you to deal with any survival situation under great stress.
Learning Krav Maga is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, both for your own safety and peace of mind, and for the safety of your loved ones.

Day / Time:
Mondays 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Thursdays 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm
Saturdays 11:00am - 12:30pm
Katz's School of Dance
1st Floor, Sandhurst Centre
61 Woodlands Ave (cnr Woodlands & Republic Rd)
To visit a club for a look-in session, it's best to book a date so that we can allocate time to personally showing you what we offer, answering any questions, and generally helping you feel at home. Our culture is extremely visitor-friendly and beginner-friendly, and all are welcome.
To arrange a look-in class, please pop us a text or WhatsApp on 084 211 8888, and we'll respond promptly. (Please include your email address in your text or WhatsApp if possible.)
Just dress casually, as you would to go to the gym or to take a walk. Loose, comfortable clothing is best, along with sneakers or similar footwear.
Should you decide to enrol with us, an official EDA Krav Maga T-Shirt must be purchased and worn. Should you wish to, you can order additional shirts and other apparel at any stage, as well as official training pants, etc.
If you like what you see and would like to join us, the procedure is simple:
We provide you with an enrolment form and member agreement form, which needs to be filled in, signed, and returned.
Our member agreement form stipulates a 6-month membership, with fees paid monthly. At the end of the 6-month membership, your membership will be presumed to renew automatically unless you stipulate otherwise. Also, after the initial six months, should you need to cease training, you can do so with a month's written notice at anytime.