Blog Posts
Get a Grip
Practicing or mastering Krav Maga techniques can be both challenging and fun. In a class environment, where you’re ...
Life And Death Reality
Does your martial art suck? If you're serious about self defense, there are a few reality checks you need to be aware of.
A Krav Maga Technique You've Never Been Taught
I'd like to share a Krav Maga insight with you that I'm almost willing to guarantee is something that you've never been taught in a Krav Maga class...
It's Down To You, Ma'am
In South Africa, where I’m writing this, a woman leaving school or university has a greater statistical likelihood of being raped than of finding...
The Ghost Patrol Of WWII
My father fought in WWII, and the story I’m about to share with you is so unusual that you might choose not to believe it. When I was a little boy,...
The Secret History Of Krav Maga
As martial arts go, Krav Maga is a relative latecomer to the family.It’s probably one of the youngest martial arts in modern history, dating back...
Should Women Train Krav Maga Differently To Men? Yes, And Here's Why.
Here’s a topic that is often hotly debated in Krav Maga circles: Should women train Krav Maga differently to men?
There’s one school of thought t...
Clear, Control, and Counter
In a related post, I’ve written about the fact that the Elite Defence Academy International system of Krav Maga is distinctive for several reaso...
Deeply Intelligent Krav Maga
Somebody asked me the other day: “How many Krav Maga techniques do you know?”They meant it sincerely, but I had to chuckle, because it’s the equiva...
Soft Does Not Mean Weak
Many people who look in at our system of Krav Maga are quite curious about one particular thing: they often ask me about the fact that it doesn’t “...
The Best Krav Maga In The World!
I have a question for you:Who makes the best mobile phone in the world? Apple, or Samsung?Your answer will probably depend on which brand you buy ...
The Preservation Of Life
Learning Krav Maga is relatively easy.
But, if you're in the hands of an irresponsible teacher, your Krav Maga training could damage you in ways th...